Pull Ups Vs. Chin Ups: What's The Difference

chin up pull up Mar 24, 2021

Wondering what the difference between pull ups and chin ups is? Did you even know that there's a difference? 

These two bodyweight monsters are universally considered some of the best exercise variations for building muscle and increasing strength in the back and biceps. 

It’s also a common "test" exercise used to show you’re at a certain level of strength and physical condition. 

There is nothing easy about either and it can take months to master your first one. 

The Pull Up/Chin Up are often interchanged as the same exercise when in fact they are very different. 

1. Grip

Pull Up uses a supinated/overhand grip/palms face away from you while chin up uses a pronated/underhand grip/palms face you.

Another variation of the chin up is a neutral grip with palms facing one another

2. Muscles Used 

The muscles activated are similar in each of the movements; the small differences lie in the rate they’re activated and the mechanics needed to perform the exercise.

However, chin ups have a stronger bicep component and pull ups have a strong latissimus dorsi component. 

3. Strength 

Chin Ups tend to be easier to perform but should not be thought of as inferior to the pull up.

Pull Ups tend to be more difficult as your grip on the bar widens so keep your hands shoulder-width apart for now

4. Which one should you choose? 

Both (wahoo)

Of course, you can base it on preference as well. But incorporating both will be good for your overall strength and often chin-ups, once mastered can be used to then build up to the pull-up.

To learn more about mastering your pull ups, make sure to check out my free video guide series "3 Steps to Master Your Pull Up" right here!

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